Diane on the Issues
The #1 problem in the United States of America is Corrupt Career Politicians (CCP)
The #1 problem, both nationally and here in Minnesota, is Career Politicians. Our founders intended for us to have a citizen legislature where a regular citizen is elected for a short time and then goes back to living under the laws they helped create. We have many legislators who have been in office for well over a decade and as a result, government overreach & government spending are out of control!
We need change and I am excited to be here, for such a time as this to be an advocate for WE THE PEOPLE rather than lobbyists and corrupt special interests! With your support, that is what I will do when I go to St. Paul.
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
I am 100% PRO-LIFE
Abortion is murder. There is no reason to sugarcoat it.
Last year alone, MN taxpayers funded more than 4,500 abortions.
Sadly, my opponent voted to fund Planned Parenthood. ‡
My pledge to you is that I will NEVER vote to allow your tax dollars to fund abortion.
‡ Kresha voted for SF2 which funds the Medical Assistance Program, the vehicle that gives your money to Planned Parenthood.
Vote date 5/26/2017, https://www.house.mn.gov/votes/votes.asp?ls_year=90&billnum=SF0002&session_number=1&year=2017&id=249
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
Election Integrity
If we don't have secured elections, we don't have a country
Please stay tuned for more issue updates.
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
Government Spending
Out of Control
In 2012 (when my opponent was first elected) our Minnesota budget was $35 billion. 12 years later it has MORE THAN DOUBLED to $71 Billion, and will likely reach 75 billion by the time the legislature adjourns in May 2024! Doubling state spending every decade is reckless and unsustainable!
My opponent, Ron Kresha, is the lead Republican on the Education Finance Committee, and education spending continues to skyrocket! Sadly we the taxpayers are paying higher bills while test scores and student proficiency levels plummet. As conservatives, we know that simply throwing money at problems is not the answer! We need to get control of runaway spending in Minnesota before it’s too late! We can start by ditching leftist Democrats and big spending RINOs and electing fiscally conservative patriots.
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
Gun Rights
I support the 2nd Amendment!
Here in central Minnesota, hunting is a time-honored tradition. I enjoy eating duck-rolls as much as the next Minnesotan, but don’t EVER let anyone tell you that the right of WE THE PEOPLE to own guns, carry guns, or defend ourselves with guns begins or ends with hunting!
Our gun rights come from God! I know that last sentence might make a liberal’s head explode, but it’s true. We “are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable rights…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
The Democrats in control of Minnesota’s government take great pride in passing laws which empower criminals and then they pat themselves on the back when they introduce legislation to take away our ability to protect ourselves!
As a representative for WE THE PEOPLE in St. Paul, I will champion:
- Constitutional Carry - because the Constitution of the United States is our permit to carry.
- Castle Doctrine - because a mother or father should never have to retreat before defending their family.
- Stand Your Ground - because the right to life doesn't end at your doorstep and you ought to be able to defend yourself wherever you happen to be.
- The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act - because Minnesota’s law-enforcement officers are public servants who work for us to uphold and enforce Minnesota’s laws. They are NOT soldiers fighting for Joe Biden in his war against gun owners!
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
Our Government is meant to be:
✅ Of the People
✅ By the People
✅ For the People
WE THE PEOPLE need to get control of runaway government and restore the Constitutional Republic our founders designed for us before it’s too late!
In recent years we have seen a literal dictatorship where ONE MAN, Democrat Governor Tim Walz, ordered lock downs, “quarantined” healthy people in their homes, decided which business could stay open, put innocent people behind bars for working, kept kids out of schools, closed churches, and forced people to wear masks on their faces. Our government even forced injections on people!
We must pass the Never Again Bill to ensure that this is never allowed to happen again!
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
Definition: In legislative practice, a bill including in one act various separate and distinct matters, and particularly one joining a number of different subjects in one measure in such a way as to compel the executive authority to accept provisions which he does not approve or else defeat the whole enactment.†
Omnibus bills, which are unconstitutional‡ by definition, can exceed 1000 pages (the size of a ream of paper)! Politicians like Ron Kresha load up these massive bills with pork and then vote for them. This grows our government and causes spending to spiral out of control, which of course means higher taxes for all of us!
I will honor my oath of office and not vote for these unconstitutional bills.
† https://thelawdictionary.org/omnibus-bill/
‡ “No law shall embrace more than one subject, which shall be expressed in its title.” Minnesota Constitution, Article IV, section 17
This isn't about me ~ This is about We
We The People
Term Limits
Politics should not be a career!
Far too many elected officials make a career out of politics! When career politicians like my opponent Ron Kresha spend more than a decade down at the capitol they completely lose touch with the actual people living back in their districts. They end up caring more about getting re-elected and staying in power than they care about the concerns of the people they are supposed to represent. Politics was never meant to be a career!
WE THE PEOPLE have had enough of lifetime legislators. It’s time to take our state and our country back by electing fresh candidates who will bring a fresh perspective.