Government Spending

Out of Control

In 2012 (when my opponent was first elected) our Minnesota budget was $35 billion. 12 years later it has MORE THAN DOUBLED to $71 Billion, and will likely reach 75 billion by the time the legislature adjourns in May 2024! Doubling state spending every decade is reckless and unsustainable!

My opponent, Ron Kresha, is the lead Republican on the Education Finance Committee, and education spending continues to skyrocket! Sadly we the taxpayers are paying higher bills while test scores and student proficiency levels plummet. As conservatives, we know that simply throwing money at problems is not the answer! We need to get control of runaway spending in Minnesota before it’s too late! We can start by ditching leftist Democrats and big spending RINOs and electing fiscally conservative patriots.


This isn't about me ~ This is about We

We The People