
Proudly Endorsed by:


Senator Nathan Wesenberg

Senator Nathan Wesenberg, District 10

“As many of you know, I believe in term limits. We need representation that has not drifted away from those whom they are supposed to represent. We are in a deep red district and we should have a representative that mirrors our values. I believe Diane will listen to you and represent your values and not vote to give millions to metro and pet projects. To have different outcomes, we need change. Diane believes in the American dream, and she will not let that dream fade away.


fmr Rep Jeremy Munson

Jeremy Munson, Chairman, Republican Liberty Caucus of Minnesota, former State Representative

“I served with Ron Kresha in the legislature for five years. Ron represents everything that is wrong in St. Paul. He’s the reason Republicans grow government when they are in the majority, and he works with Democrats to grow government in the minority. We need someone who will fight to advance conservative values. Minnesota needs Diane in St Paul fighting for all of us.”


Steve Boyd

Steve Boyd, 2024 Republican Congressional candidate, CD7

"I support Diane for MN House. Diane is a patriot, a true conservative, and the type of fighter we need to help get our state back on track. Diane understands the battle we are in and I have full faith that she will put her principles ahead of her political career and do what's best for Minnesota."


Senator Steve Drazkowski

Senator Steve Drazkowski

“If we are ever to move Minnesota in a conservative direction, we must elect blood red conservatives to office from blood red seats. Too often, Republicans in solid Republican districts, like district 10A, elect legislators who are afraid or unwilling to vote and lead with conservative conviction. Your district is one of the most conservative districts in Minnesota and the Republican candidate will easily win the 2024 election with two-thirds of the vote. Help us stop the madness in St Paul by endorsing the candidate that will not allow the swamp to easily capture and use them, but instead who will consistently vote and lead against it. You have a fantastic conservative in Diane Webb-Skillings. Please send her to St Paul to fight for you. We need Diane’s help!”


Senator Cal Bahr

Senator Cal Bahr

“We need legislators in Saint Paul who will vote according to the founding principles of our great country. Legislators come to the Capitol in January and on their first day in office, they swear an oath to uphold the constitution. A few months later they are eager to vote for unconstitutional bills all in the name of “helping people”. The government can’t help anyone without first doing something to someone else. Rep Kresha’s voting record speaks for itself. Partisan politics, and exponential growth in state spending. This year you have another choice, a constitutional conservative named Diane Webb-skillings. I urge you to vote for change and choose Diane to represent you. We could use her down at the Capitol”


Senator Bill Lieske

Senator Bill Lieske

“With failure of our government to work for the people, we need strong conservative candidates to work hard to keep your money in your pockets. We do not need people who are willing to spend big money and grow government. We want people who will protect our inalienable rights. Diane is the candidate who will do that for We The People.”


fmr Rep Erik Mortensen

Former State Representative Erik Mortensen

“The moment Representative Ron Kresha REFUSED to sign the Stop Vaccine Mandates Pledge AT A HEALTH FREEDOM RALLY, in his district and amongst his constituents, it was clear to me Little Falls deserved better representation. 

I fully support Diane for State House.”


Rocks and Cows

Rocks and Cows


The person to represent Morrison, Aitkin, northern Mille Lacs, NW Kanabec, southern Crow Wing counties is Diane Webb-Skillings. 

Before even thinking about office Diane organized and campaigned for local officials, sponsored district events on public safety, election integrity, and campaign involvement. Diane has been active for years in her BPOU and still does flag waving meet ups, and recently helped arrange a meeting of folks on Mille Lacs to discuss DNR unaccountability.

Current Rep. Ron Kresha years ago stopped even trying to stop the DFL rot. Ron has tried to pass public tax spending on lawyers to help illegal aliens avoid deportation, votes for bonding money with personal conflict of interest, voted to help Walz raise gas taxes and mandate electric cars, campaigned against conservative parent endorsed school board candidates. To top it after failing to stop any Education Minnesota union destruction of public schools as Education Committee leader he threw in the towel and tried handing public education to the DFL judges with a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing a "quality" education so Mpls and St Paul could sue for unlimited education money and tax hikes. 

Rocks & Cows supports Diane Webb-Skillings because 10A deserves real representation and Minnesota cannot be turned around without real fighters.  Diane 4 MN House 10A is the only vote.


Dan Schilling

Dan Schilling, Patriot, Veteran, School Board Member

“'Continuity of Government' is the "BIGGEST LIE" power-hungry politicians sell, to get re-elected so they can stay in power. 

It's time for Diane Webb-Skillings to take the reigns for MN House District 10A. 

Being elected as Representative of to the Government of 'We the American People' was never meant to be a Career. 

It's Past due time for the people of MN House District 10A to elect new, fresh Leadership. 6-2yr Terms for 12 yrs is too long. 

It's time to for Ron Kresha to step aside, making room for New Representation of House District 10A, with fresh ideas. 
