Contact Diane @ 218.838.6293 any-time

   I am available at any-time to speak with you ~ I Look Forward to these calls

       Thank you for your support & God Bless You, Minnesota & America ~ 


I am a country girl, born and raised in West Central Minnesota. I had three siblings who were 9, 13 & 16 years older than me, so I had to be tough. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself and will take that trait to the Capitol to fight for us there. 

I am a God-fearing conservative who believes in a free and fair election process and that the second amendment is a God-given right.

I was a hands-on mom and was directly involved in my children’s education. I taught them to know the difference between right and wrong. I am very proud to say I have two grown children who are hard working responsible adults.

For 10 years I was an organic specialty crop farmer. (at one time we had up to 7 acres of berries, herbs & vegetables)  I’ve dug in the dirt. I know what it’s like to work hard with little rest and little pay! 

Our country is going in a downward spiral and we continue to elect the same politicians, and expect different results. That is the definition of insanity. When we go through challenges in our life we should learn and grow from them. I believe God has brought me here and is challenging me for a time such as this. I will be YOUR VOICE at the Capitol and look forward to representing you.

  • Denver Business Collegedegrees in Accounting & Business  
  • University of St Thomas - Institute for Executive Director Leadership certificate
  • Central Lakes CollegeFarm Business Management certificate

Relevant Experience 
  • Smarter Safer Kids - Executive Director; Elementary School 911 Educator, worked with law enforcement in MN and TX, as well as the MN Timberwolves, MN Twins and Vikings
  • Inman Township Clerk - 13 years; road & bridge, zoning, cemetery, general, elections
  • Accounting Assistant - 6.5 years in Wadena; accounting, payroll, taxes, etc
  • Gardens Gourmet - 10 year owner & operator. Non-certified organic specialty crop farmer in Otter Tail County, including Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) for six years and helped set-up & grow multiple local farmer markets in the area

  • Lifetime 4-H member
  • 11 yrs Girl Scout Leader
  • Lions member & LEO (Leadership, Experience, Opportunity) Club Advisor
  • Youth Group Leader 


This isn't about me ~ This is about We

We The People

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